
Are you using IT effectively to improve performance?

Do you maximise the opportunities new digital media offers to enhance learning?

Do your staff have the skills and vision to use technology and data effectively?

How we can help

Secure and effective data management are key to an organisation’s ability to demonstrate sound school leadership.

Effective school improvement now recognises that the learning dynamic includes out of school hours’ learning, web based activities and engagement with a wider group of trainers and mentors drawn from commerce.

Individual learning plans for students seek to capture those activities that are undertaken outside school including the web.

The introduction of an integrated virtual learning environment (VLE), or web based school improvement tool, fully integrated with the school management information system (MIS), is key to effective management of learning and monitoring of progression.

EBM, with Partnership Education, works with Multi Academy Trusts, Diocesan Boards of Education and/or schools to provide strategic delivery models for ICT deployment that demonstrates effective learning and student progression is in place through:

Training and CPD

Technology is only as effective as the staff member using it. Our CPD programmes are designed to help all staff to become competent in the technology they are using to deliver the education plan.

Our courses at various levels of proficiency include:

  • Governor training
  • Subject specific technology
  • Effective use of the VLE
  • Curriculum change and implementation
  • Anywhere, Anytime, Learning
  • Network Performance Monitoring
  • iPad and Mac integration
  • Computer Science and the use of coding in the classroom

Digital and Creative Media

Students’ use of new technologies ‘out of school hours’ has led to an explosion of interest in capturing the learning that takes place.

As well as CPD we can assist with the procurement of hardware and software and the design of the infrastructure underpinning the technology.

Cloud Based Services

For some academies the cloud may be a strategic option which provides cost effectiveness and resilience combined with improved access and a reduction in IT management overheads.

We can design a solution that is bespoke to your organisation that delivers effective school management.

Why choose EBM?

EBM, through its significant experience and previous working links with PKF and BDO, is one of the UK’s leading groups of advisers to the education sector.

EBM has well developed links with the DfE in relation to MATs, Academies and Free Schools.

Our dedicated education consultants have a successful track record of delivering more than 200 Academies and Free Schools across the country, many of them of a complex nature in short timescales. Our extensive track record has ensured that we are the team of choice for a number of multi-sponsor organisations throughout the country.

Why choose our Education IT services to schools

We have developed proven solutions:

  • Data centre management and single source reporting
  • Unified communications systems that provide digital voice and video connectivity
  • Secure intranet connectivity
  • Design, install and management of 21st century learning spaces
  • Out of School Hours’ Learning
  • ICT support and professional services
  • Procurement of ICT equipment to support transformational learning and on line student mentoring